We started from the Mosquito Flat trailhead, the highest in the Sierras at 10,000'. This was September 2014. From there to Ruby Lake where we got caught by bad weather for an afternoon and night. Then we were over Mono Pass and down to Trail Lake, a pretty easy day. Next day was down to Golden Creek then across and up to Pioneer Basin. This area used to be heavily used to horse packers but is off limits to overnight horse trips now. Seems that few go there. The trail is unmaintained and terrible. But the basin is enormous and beautiful. There's a ton of day hiking to do up in there. After a few days there, including a lazy day, we backpacked back down, then up to Golden Lake for our last night. A must see in my book. Saw no one again. The trail to leave the lake isn't all that obvious. It goes along the scree on the west side of the lake then on up to Mono Pass.
Ruby Lake - We spent our first night down there after a short trip to it. We got caught by hail and wind.
Bob pumping water at Summit Lake which is just below Mono Pass (around 12,000')
Bob, me and Dan just before going up to Pioneer Basin. This is near Golden Creek.
Looking back east from near our camp in Pioneer Basin. We saw 3 or 4 day hikers here the entire time.
Dan and Bob on our day hike up to a high ridge along the west side of Pioneer Basin
Dan coming up to the ridge. Our camp was below the narrows on the lake at the center.
Sierra hare. These live at 10,000' and above and are quite large and fairly unafraid.
One of thousands of small lakes found all over the Sierras. This was north of our camp.
Always wear sunscreen or your lips will swell.
Last night's home at Golden Lake. This lake is a beauty. We came in a different way than we left.
Dan and Bob leaving Golden Lake. It was way windy!